March Dance is about providing a platform for independent dance in Sydney, elevating self-produced, independent work and creating a context in which ideas and practices can be shared and presented in dialogue with each other.
Running throughout March, the 2023 festival includes over 100 artists, 10 companies, 11 organisations and 27 venues coming together from across Sydney to
connect and showcase the vibrant and resilient Sydney contemporary dance scene.
The program of 68 events includes performances, residencies, workshops, classes, talks and sharings, all offering a different chance to engage with
contemporary work and dance practices.
Supported by City of Sydney, March Dance is a project initiated by the Independent Dance Alliance (IDA) a collaboration between Critical Path, DirtyFeet and ReadyMade Works. The 2023 festival will be led by Critical Path and DirtyFeet, who have joined forces with other companies and organisations to support artists’ participation in this month-long dance festival, celebrating the culture of independent dance in Sydney.
68 dance events in 31 days.
© Copyright 2023 MARCH DANCE Sydney NSW 2000 Australia | Websites with MOBLE